
Feature Spotlight: Melt Windshield Ice Away With Ford Quickclear (With Video)

Winter: great for skiing (and snowboarding)… but not so much fun when you’re running late for work and the car is covered in ice. And while some remove the ice with a specialized scraping tool, it’s a sad truth that most resort to using home-brew methods such as credit cards and, of course, their bare hands. Then there are those who use questionable methods such as pouring boiling water on the windshield or use stilettos to scrape the ice. Thankfully, Ford has a better way to solve the frosted windshield problem.

Cue Ford Quickclear Technology — a system that melts ice at the touch of a button. Quickclear works in the same way as rear-windows defrosters; but since it’s the windshield we’re talking about, Quickclear uses much thinner heating wires sandwiched between two layers of glass to provide de-icing while not being an obstruction to visibility.

Quickclear, however, has indirect benefits as well. For instance, heating the glass helps clear frozen wiper blades, prolonging their life while reducing stress on the wiper motor. The technology is also good at defogging the windscreen.

Quickclear has been around for nearly three decades, making its original debut 26 years ago on the Ford Scorpio. It remains a highly popular feature across Ford’s entire range of cars. But don’t take our word for it… here’s a demonstration directly from Ford of Europe using two neatly-chilled C-Maxes.

Motrolix Founder with a passion for global automotive business strategy.


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