
Porsche Car Connect Now Works With Apple Watch

Chances are strong that if you’ve made it far enough in life to own and drive a Porsche, you’re up-to-date with the latest in Silicon Valley trinkets, as well.

Porsche knows this, and that’s why they’ve developed an interface for the Apple Watch which enables the smart watch to access the Porsche Car Connect suite of remote functions from the computer on your wrist. Porsche is one of the first automakers to enable vehicle communications with the smart watch.

Granted, the Porsche Car Connect functions rely on the mobile telephone network; an Apple iPhone is still required as a liaison between the watch and the car. But the Apple Watch adds another, alternative graphical and command interface for the user, without making them fish around their bag for their mobile phone.

All of the helpful Porsche Car Connect functions previously available through the iPhone are now accessible through this new Apple Watch interface: Remote Services, which allows things like remote vehicle locking, and verifying that doors and windows are all securely shut; Vehicle Tracking Services, which can aid the customer in tracking their car in the event of a theft; and E-Mobility Services, which is specifically for the owners of Porsche plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, relaying things like state of charge, range, and time remaining to charge.

When it first came out, Porsche Car Connect was already a useful, convenient tool for those on-the-go – as Porsche owners most often are. Now, the service has gained a new level of convenience.

Aaron Birch is an automotive enthusiast and writer/filmmaker from Detroit, MI. As a rule, he only buys cars older than himself.

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